UIL Tryouts start next week; October 16!

Mrs. Castleberry  Room 128 - October 17th & 24th tryout test at 3:30

Number Sense 5th and 6th Grade.

Mrs.Butchee  Room 129

Dictionary Skills 5th and 6th Grade

Mr. Destin Chapman  Room 208 (music room) October 17, 18, 19 at 3:30

Music Memory  5th and 6th Grade

Mr. Ferguson/Mrs. Choate  Room 122/101

Maps, Graphs, & Charts  5th and 6th Grade


Mrs. Boyd  Room 107, October 23-October 27


Mrs. Kaiser  Room 127, October 17 at 3:30 PM


Mrs. Meiron  Annex Room 206

5th grade Oral Reading- October 24th 3:45


Mrs. Jimenez Room 207, October 18 at 3:30 PM


Mrs. Thornton  Room 106, October 24


Mrs. Drury  Room 117, October 24 and 26 at 3:30 PM


Mr. Jimenez  Room 130 Oct. 18 3:30-4:15


Mrs. Blankenship  Room 121, October 26 at 3:30 PM


Mrs. Poindexter  Room 120, October 24th at 3:30 PM